.NET I2C Control Class Library
I2CControl Members

Represents a I2C Device resource.

The following tables list the members exposed by the I2CControl type.

  Name Description
Public method  I2CControl Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the I2CControl class.
  Name Description
Public property  Address Gets the I2C Address of the current I2C message.
Public property  DeviceType Gets the Hardware Device Type.
Public property  DeviceVersion Gets the Hardware Device Firmware Version.
Public property  EndTimeStamp Gets the Time of the End of the current I2C message.
Public property  IsOpen Gets a value indicating the open or closed status of the I2CControl object.
Public property  Len Gets the number of bytes of data in the current I2C message.
Public property  LineStatus Gets the state of the Carrier Detect line for the port.
Public property PortName Gets or sets the port for communications, including but not limited to all available COM ports.
Public property  RepeatedStart Gets the type of StartCondition for the current I2C message..
Public property  StopCondition Gets the type of StopCondition for the current I2C message..
Public property  TimeStamp Gets the Time of the Start of the current I2C message.
Public property  TriggerDirection Gets the Edge Direction of the Trigger Line when the Event is raised.
Public property  TriggerType Gets or sets a value that determines the Trigger Line Functionality
Professional only:
Name Description
Public property  AckDetect Gets or sets the Ack Detection Functionality.
Public property  SlaveAddress Gets the active I2C Slave Address being emulated.
Public property SlaveNumber Gets the active I2C Slave Number being emulated
Public property SlaveRequest Gets the active I2C Slave Request
Public property TrasmitBusSpeed Gets or sets the Transmit Bus Speed (Hz)
Public property  Transmitted Gets a value indicating whether the current I2C message as Transmit from the Device.
  Name Description
Public method  Close Closes the port connection and sets the IsOpen property to false.
Public method GetPortNames Gets an array of serial port names for the current computer.
Public method  Open Opens a new serial port connection.
Public method  Read Reads a I2C message (and Ack Status) from the I2CControl input buffer.
Professional only:
  Name Description
Public method  ReleaseBusHold Releases the Bus held state after a TransmitWithBusHold or RequesetWithBusHold
Public method ResetBus Resets the I²C Device
Public method  Request Requests data from a Slave Device on the I²C Bus
Public method  RequestWithBusHold Requests data from a Slave Device on the I²C Bus leaving the Bus in the Master held state.
Public method  SlaveConfig Configures the device for Slave Emulation.
Public method  SlaveData The Slave Data to be supplied when the Master requests data (can be predefined or supplied in the Slave Event)
Public method  Transmit Transmits Data to a slave device on the I²C Bus.
Public method  TriggerMatchSequence Configures a sequence of Data that will cause a trigger if the TriggerType is set to TriggerHighOnMatch or TriggerLowOnMatch.
  Name Description
Public event  I2CMessage Represents the method that will handle the I2C message received event of a I2CControl object.
Public event  Status Represents the method that will handle the Connection and Line Status event of a I2CControl object.
Public event  Trigger Represents the method that handles the Trigger Line event of a I2CControl object.
Professional only:
  Name Description
Public event  Slave Represents the method that will handle the Slave Received/Requested/Transmitted event of a I2CControl object.

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